We drove away from the big left charged up for even warmer water down the peninsula. In addition, the girls were feeling that homing instinct, they knew our home base was close and they were ready to set up a permanent camp. So after a great Christmas day surf session, we wrapped up CON KSO's camping gear and pointed the rig back toward the Baja highway, slow and low (air pressure that is) was the call and we made it safely back to the road into La Paz. A quick air up with the Powertank and we were on our way to my little piece of paradise further south.
It's tough to find my spot. First, just past the s-curve which is after the big arroyo, take your first right past Rancho SiComoNo. This is that first right. |
Drive up the dirt road for about a quarter of a mile and when you see our water tank pull out your key and let yourself into the property. |
Here's my lock, hope you know the combination. |
The land is about as big as a football field, so we have a dirt road that leads back into the bush... |
The stuff can be thorny- and you may scratch up your vehicle or puncture your flip/flop so watch your step. |
This is what you're looking for- The Peanut! |
We backed CON KSO up into the Peanut's docking station. |
The Peanut is almost completely open air- here's a shot of the kitchen with running water, smooth cement counters and the best views you could ever want. |
The end of the road: CON KSO docked to the Peanut and the surf exploration moto, ready to go. |
We run a solar panel into CON KSO to power our bumping stereo and our 12v refrigerator (the 12v ARB 'fridge and the Powertank were two awesome additions to our offroad equipment roster- I highly recommend both of them). |
Here's our ARB refrigerator on the custom built platform that I banged together in about twenty minutes. |
That's right, -13 degrees celcius- more than cold enough to make ice cubes for your bloody mary. |
Or keep your beer icy cold- we didn't buy a single bag or block of ice for the whole three week trip. |
The Peanut is a great place to tuck out of the wind and sun and it gives you a nice view of the ocean just down the road. I used it update my journal and while I was there I did a little CAD designing... |
Here's the CAD rendering of the bano that we hope to have finished by next winter... we shall see. The girls thought a flushing toilet would make the rancho just perfect. |
The Peanut's beer drinking steps. |
CON KSO's docking station allows us to tap the propane in CON KSO for the kitchen. |
Board rack at the Peanut. I brought too many boards- next time it will be a 12' stando for small days and fishing and my all purpose 9'0.... and my boogie board..... and my fins.... and my handplane. |
With the Peanut all set up for an extended stay, we gathered up our beach toys, put CON KSO into 4x4 Low Range and headed down to see what mother ocean had waiting for us.
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