There's been quite a bit of interest in the custom paddle board racks that I posted a couple of days ago. The man you want to contact is Tom Huber at Metal Trends in San Diego (
Tom's been busy lately building racks for surf shops in the area- he's become somewhat of a surf board rack specialist. Additionally, Tom's a surfer so he understands our special needs.
If you're interested in checking out his work, head down to The Surf Hut in Imperial Beach (710 Seacoast Drive). Tom was able to reconfigure the shop's board room; the room used to hold 40 boards, he's tripled that capacity to 120! Go check it out, you won't believe it.
Here's a couple of more photos of his work:
Top Photo: A Mickey Munoz UltraGlide at The Surf Hut. Jesus (the owner) needed to get the twelve footers up off the floor, here's Tom's solution.
Middle: A little detail of the "Sky Racks", check out the wide arms on those babies, perfect for our big boards- nice pads too.
Bottom: These are my racks, they are freestanding and can hold my stand up boards and four of my surfboards. The cool thing is since they're custom made you can have Tom make them to fit your needs.
Coming Up: There are some cool stand up paddle surfing events just around the corner- check back for information about two of them: The 1st Annual International-Waterman Stand Up Paddle and Surf Event (September 22, 2007) and the 4th Annual WildCoast Dempsey Holder Ocean Festival (October 7, 2007) which will include a stand up paddle surfing heat for the first time in its history.
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