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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Since John is Slacking on us.. Boards and BS from Fl
I call him Squeaky... 8'4" fish style SUP 20-29.5-17 single wing diamond tail quad, with a spherical rocker. 14lbs with a pad. Yeah it rides GOOD....
Its been a while since I have posted up on have had some issues plaguing me this year. I have been on the injured list for a while pretty much since late 2010. Achilles tendon issues broken foot 3 times and exposure to a toxin messed me up pretty good causing problems with my adrenals, pituitary glands and thyroid basically causing severe havoc to my state of mind. Well I am happy to say I am on the road to recovery. I gave up on doctors and their magic pills and started healing myself and am seeing a holistic DO. I also 5-6 months ago changed my diet no sugar, no caffeine only fresh vegetables and meat and I eat nothing from a package or processed and drink water I put through this super purifier I bought that is unreal. So far I am down to 185-190lbs and I feel really good probably the best in my life. Oh yeah the toxin was benzonates in my blood and fat cells as well as a few other volatile organic chemicals that were left over from many years ago when I had the surfboard factory and ended up being poisoned by isocyinates. I will leave that at that but say if you are on the east coast or gulf coast of Fl and spent a lot of time in the ocean last year and are having health issues like severe anxiety, fainting spells, dizzyness, or feeling just not right for extended periods of time. Go see a industrial doctor and get your blood tested for chemicals and get on a purifying diet with teas and lots of water to flush it out. Thanks BP you really hooked us all up with some lovely issues here in the east.
Well I opened a factory back in July. I out grew the shop behind the house. Guys say I have the worlds biggest shaping room at 14'x24' with its own private bathroom. I like it. Lots of room and with my Ipod and stereo its like a night club thumping away or in my case mostly a reggae concert. I have been doing quite a few boards lots of surf models and race/touring boards and prone boards. All epoxy construction and I DO NOT ALLOW VOC's in my shop.
Fresh planed out ready for finishing board in the shaping room.
Freshly painted SUP in the A/B room
Fresh hotcoat on a stoock 10'6"
8'0" for a friend of mine at Paddle Board Orlando
9'3" SUP basically a blown up Lopez lighting bolt 7'0" winged rounded pintail. I got to take a ride on this thing and I nailed it it draws those classic single fin lines and feels very much like its prone grandfather. This board went to the owner of RedDog Surfshop in NSB, Fl. He loves those old classic early 70's single fins. So I did him a SUP off of one.
Squeaky a while ago deck lamed up. This board opened up a world of possibilities for SUP design it is taken off these prone mini's I have been building I just blew it up to SUP size and the feel and the way it rides is so close to a 5'6"-5'10" mini prone fish its not even funny.
Here is a link to a gopro chest view clip on my face book page of me putting squeaky through some testing. Its a really fun board for small so so conditions.
Peace everyone and see you all in the water,
Capt. Ron Neff
Absolute Trip SUP and Surf
Yeah Ron my name is steve know how your feeling is I am getting over colon cancer opened up like a can of worms whole life style has change diet wise no more crap inside of me sugars are the cause of destroying your health big swell in the water this week and can't ride for about 5more weeks and just like you say Ron go get your self checked by the local witch doctor peace
Slacking just a little- but revving up for a huge comeback!
Sick boards as usual Capt. Ron. I like the green one with the lines!
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