Paddling flatwater with one of these is a whole new ballgame. Think effortless glide. And ridiculous speed. I'm going to have to get one of these for coastal touring and downwind runs this summer. I could envision whole classes of paddlers touring flatwaters on these, they're such sweet paddlers.
Stamps built this board to be fast but manageable- I've paddled it three times now and haven't fallen in. Granted, I haven't gotten her out into chop and swell yet but I think she's going to be fine, the board actually becomes more stable as it tips to a side. Kind of reminds me of a dory, the lower it sits the more stable it becomes. It's a beautiful board, if you get a chance get on one of these!
Nice looking board. I'd be interested in knowing how she handles in rougher seas. How long is the one you paddled? Y cuanto cuesta?
Hey Gary- this one was a twelve footer.
I really don't think chop is going to be too bad on this one- she's got a sea-kindly motion to her- but I'll keep you posted.
Darn Fast. FUN to zip along.
This was Tim's personal board so I'm not sure if it's for sale- I'll let you know what they'll cost as soon as I know.
I want to try it. Hook me up.
awesome just like the brits said about the spitfire aeroplane.looks like aeroplane should look.that down winder is a down winner.need a lift john hows new pool in cor. to tenth street terminal and back paddle.captneg9.12' will fit in the plumbing how much let bidding begin. min bid 1800.
Hola Capitan! Nice compliment I'll pass it on to the man- and see if it's for sale. I tell you one thing- she's fast!
surf fast paddle hard.captneg9.i want to ride that orangcrate.
wish i had the orangecrate today.paddle up sweetwater river.made it just past 2nd ave.5'tide 40mins up 30mins back.all kinds of stuff in that water.captneg9.
Had a few goes at SUP last year, was sweet fun I could fully see the potential, even though I was battling. Problem i think for me starting out is that I dont have any nice point breaks to try this out fully on. But is definitely a great alternative to surfing when the waves arent mackin'
Hey Capt.Neg9: Your pulling some serious Lewis and Clark time on that Gemini- cool stuff.
Didn't get a price tag on the Arrow (Orange Crate) drop Tim an email at and I'm sure you'll get a response.
I'm off to SB for a couple of days- full report when I get back.
Hey Adam-
Definitely a fun alternative to bogging in gutless surf- but it also gets to be super fun in the good stuff once you've dialed in your balance.
Stoked you're paddling!
John Ashley
john there is a black an white tv floating in the river screen at angle the antena is stuck in the mud its the strangest thing i seen i could change the channels.drop off the cash to the shaper.the glasser and sander are fired up for the new gem.2 weeks or less cutting out nose on friday and batail.its a joy to see a finished blank.hope norte is fun.captneg9.
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