As soon as we get through the wind storm that's screwing up our surf I'll have that little Biscuit out and about- might float me, might not... but it'll be fun finding out!
Catalina Island-Dana Point Race: Just got a phone call from Tex and the Cali Kite team fresh out of the water from the Catalina to Dana Point race. Nine hours of heavy water paddling in very rough conditions. Tex told me that from the chase boat, you'd lose sight of your paddler in the trough of waves coming out of the north-west. Congratulations to those guys for even showing up for the thing- definitely ballsy. Check back for pictures and maybe even some video clips coming soon!
Thanks Chris for the correction!
Another correction: Stamps' alaia board is six foot and change and three-quarters of an inch thick- not the four feet and inch and a half I posted- duh. Sorry Stamps.
Correction: Avalon to Dana - about 39 miles in all. The finishers looked pretty beat-up. Not the glass-calm crossing it's been the last two years.
Can hardly wait for the travel board quiver report. Especially that 8' Stamps!
Hey Chris- thanks for the correction- it's been changed!
Did you get any photos of the finishers coming in?
How about overall results????
I should've thought ahead and jammed up there for the finish- was it at Kiddy beach?
Thanks again!
Hey Gary-
I can't wait to goof around on that thing- it's... cute.
We'll see.
Cool looking boards. No question though, I'd sink 'em.
I think I'm going to have an article on the Catalina/Dana Point race on Kenalu shortly. Got some great pictures from Ernie Johnson, now I need some words to go with it. If Ernie doesn't have the time to do something I'll just do a quickie photo essay. Didn't look like a "fun" race--pretty gnarly conditions.
Yo Pono Bill:
I was surprised but at 235 I was able to paddle the 8.0 around in flat water no problem.
Actually surfed one wave with it before it got dark- fast, loose and fun. Like surfing one of those snow discs the kids use as sleds.
Got me thinking about how big my next board's going to be.
Race was brutal by all accounts. Working on something too.
Keep up the good work with KN.
john surfed la jolla shores sat.mitch from mitch's surf shop was riding a 7'6 dave craig 30"/4" so size might not matter "out line and rocker and girth" is the important the next stand up i order is 4x4x4.captneg9.
my i have some gray with the biscuit.need to give it a gem almost ready.its name will be the malato.captneg9.
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