How much can you look at yourself before you get sick of it? I'm thinking we're going to need two cameras. One on the paddle and one mounted to my chest or hip and then edit the clips between the two different angles. It's pretty obvious: I've got problems.
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That cam is great John, it's so smooth and not skitzy,it almost looks as if its attached to the end of a shopping cart handle.
I get it, "shopping cart". Ha ha ha. I'd guess this was Kraig Surplus but you used two commas and capitalized my name so it couldn't be.
John, Like the camera work. But instead of a chest cam, maybe an ankle cam attached to the back foot facing forward( worm view forward).. that would be way cool!!! - Jim Avery:)
Hey Jim-
I'd love to stick a few of those cams on me... I just need them to sponsor me a few more!
Yeh , Just let me know who I have to talk to and get you a couple more cams. How much does one of those bad boys go for?-Jim Avery ; )
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