Well, technically you're racing if you're up in the front kicking ass. I'll be somewhere in the back field making sure the bottom half of the curve is well represented- I guess you could call my style fast paddling not exactly racing. But I'm stoked- I've got a cool board to paddle (even though these race boards are damn tippy, they're still fun to paddle) and it'll be a cool little gathering practically in my backyard. Check out the board I'm paddling:
Photo: Stamps was super cool to let me borrow a race board (I'm on the yellow one)- she feels fast to me! Talk about light- I think this one is lighter than my surf stando.
The race is called the Chainsaw Massacre, it's a benefit for the Coronado Life Guards. The course is a 6.5 mile run out to the tip of Zuniga Jetty (the jetty at the mouth of the San Diego Harbor) and back. The start time is 10:30am and the hope is that we'll have westerly winds to push us back to the finish. I'll let you know how it all works out.
ahh yeahh peanut butta !! meet me on the beach , its goin down !!
Right on Kevs... what time are you heading over there?
Peanut butta in the hizzie!
Good luck John bro! Watch you get hooked on racing after this event just like I did! LOL!! All that means is that when it's flat. You'll go for a nice long paddle on your brand new race board!
I like being at the bottom of the race curve too!
You're going to have fun!
b there @ ocho homeboy !. kevy kev in the hizzzlee .wheres the dime pieces ? ha
Hey Hawaiian- thanks for the well wishes... kind of excited for it, kind of nervous about it. We'll see! At least it keeps me moving... wait 'til you see the 8'6 I just ordered!
Yo Kevs- dime pieces at the Del Mar race (in two weeks) for sure! You in? I'll let you know after tomorrow if I ever want to do this again... but, I have to say, the dime pieces do have a certain draw to them don't they?
Kevin was gettin beat by girls! sadly one of them was not me and I was too far behind to see the outcome...
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