Super stoked to be home! Don't get me wrong, I had a great trip down to Cabo but being away from home always makes me appreciate what I've got. Besides, I've got to keep this thing up to date and I'm sure there's a few people out there who wouldn't mind hearing about the whole adventure.
Here's a little taste of what we were surfing down at the tip. This was one of those days that goes from grim to glorious in the span of an hour. Earlier in the day, this spot was blown to rags by a hard wind blowing straight down the beach. It was looking like a four margarita lunch. Half way through round two the wind changed to almost straight offshore and just like that it was ON! The right looks good but the real gem on this wave was the left. I saw more than a couple clean, almond-eyed, barrels snagged by savvy locals with Gumby-like contortion abilities.
I'm still pulling all my photos together and sorting through my notes so be patient with me. I'll be putting the story together over the next few days. I'm pretty fired up about this new year- I've got a few projects in the works that need to be completed and I've got a bunch of ideas that I want to chase down. I had a great '08 and I'm really looking forward to what this new year's going to bring- especially if it's made of fiberglass and epoxy and has got a couple of fins on one end!
What is the dude under the lip doing? What is he thinking? It looks like he's sitting around on flat water waiting for the next set.
He's getting worked!
Welcome back! Looks like fun... maybe we'll join you next year. My new board is insane!
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