Friday, January 16, 2009

Go Pro Hero: Down the Line Video Part I

Mike convinced me to post this one now. This is getting closer and closer to what I'm trying to get with this little camera. Hopefully, I can pull into something this weekend and make it legit!

Find more videos like this on Stand Up Paddle Surfing


srfnff said...

In what is becoming a most hackneyed genre of SUP photo gluttony, I must say John that your shots are the most creative yet...especially with the artful editing. The secret, short and fast action sequences edited back-to-back with the occasional irrelevant image. Nice work, although it's the technically interesting distortion that becomes tiresome after a short while IMHO.

John Ashley said...

The best thing that happened to me with this little camera was having my wife come look over my shoulder at some clips I put together.

While I sat there staring at them getting all stoked on myself she grounded me with a simple comment, "Are you pole dancing right there?"

The fact is that these pictures and clips, without any kind of framing or context mean nothing to anybody other than the guy who grabbed them.

The camera snaps so many pictures that you get all these cool, weird things. They can look cool but like you said, Gary, they do get a little boring after a while.

My focus now is to only post vids and clips that have a framework to hang the image off of- something as simple as a bit of horizon grounds the picture (or clip) for the viewer. Photos with composition give you something to work with when you're checking it out.

So I'm looking for more shots with people surfing alongside or in front of me- or tube shots where you can see the wall stretching out in front of you- clips that have context.

Although I will say, Gary, you should get one of these magic little boxes- 149 bucks and the photos are better than any of the water cams I bought... and destroyed!

ef said...

"So I'm looking for more shots with people surfing alongside or in front of me- or tube shots where you can see the wall stretching out in front of you- clips that have context."

This is absolutely the right way to go, john. for most people the hero thing is like a weird exercise in narcissism. glad you're getting away from that.

John Ashley said...

Thanks ef- I'm just trying to keep from falling into the pond and drowing! And I'd also love to see the lip just throwing out into a perfect tube!

Anonymous said...

So SICK!!! nice stills of you on stamps's site! awsome job pioneer!

Anonymous said...

Cool looking video from that little camera. Nicely stitched together by you and awesome soundtrack...The Untouchables! I was at Surf Expo yesterday and met Chuy Reyna at the Firewire booth and told him one of my favorite clips when I was a grom was he and Peter King at Isla Natividad in Beyond Blazing Boards. That movie had all Hoodoo Gurus and Untouchables songs in it.

John Ashley said...

Hey Mr. C.

Dude BBB is my FAVORITE surf flick- right around freshman/soph. year of college for me and yes.... Chuy rips! I always wondered what happened to that guy he was one of the smoothest around.

Do you know where I can get a copy of that flick? We had one when I was at UCSB but it got ripped off or lost or burned up in a drunken haze or something... I've tried to find a replacement but no luck.

The Go Pro is really impressive- I'm having so much fun with it. Thanks for the positive comment on the film- I'm working at getting some good stuff for you guys!

Anonymous said...

John, exellent video. I watched it 8 times before the wife told me to turn it off. Cant wait to get out again.

John Ashley said...

Ha! My wife does the same thing to me! Let me know when you're ready and I'll get you all set up- be careful once you get into this stuff you've got real problems... hide your wallet!

srfnff said...

"While I sat there staring at them getting all stoked on myself she grounded me with a simple comment, "Are you pole dancing right there?" God...they know how to put us in our place don't they? We are so freakin' blessed!

"Although I will say, Gary, you should get one of these magic little boxes- 149 bucks and the photos are better than any of the water cams I bought... and destroyed!" I gotta tell ya, if I got one of those I would have NO time left...that's what I'm afraid of, those things are dangerous!