The water is 58 degrees. No joke. In August for goodness sake... are you kidding me? The surf is super small (although high tide showed some promise yesterday) and it's depressingly gray. Here's a ray of hope in my life:
Lilly says, "Coastal eddies suck." I agree.
Well you could come visit me John it has not rained here in weeks and the water temp here is 75 (upwelling) other wise it would be in teh 80's, its clear, sun index is a 10+ I think we have a hole in the ozone over our heads. I sunburn with 50+ block on in 30 minutes. Wind is offshore, surf is pretty flat, But its HOT! I mean real HOT, 80% humidity and 110 deg heat index. I could lay in your 58 deg water for a hour with baggies on right now it would feel incredible. A/C thermostat in the house is set on 80 and the house feels cold when you walk in. Either I am getting old and can't deal with it like when I was younger or its about as hot of a summer as I can ever remember here. We are having desert temperatures and tropical humidity.
And... you're selling your boat! What's the world coming to? Are you still thinking about following us down to Todos this December? You'd dig it...
Yeah JOhn,
The SAMFC and NOAA fisheries have shut our offshore fishery down from South Carolina to Sebastian inlet some 50k square miles of ocean, esentially putting over 100k people out of work who work on the water. Funny thing is the science closing the fishery is so off A bunch of us testified and gave our log books from the previous years, which in my boat alone I caught more fish a year than the science states is in the whole ocean. Hummm??? Agenda driven bogus crap is what it is. Hard for them to drill for oil with us telling everyone they are drilling through million year old reef system. I fought this BS for years and wash my hands of it.
Yeah John I am tring to get it going on to get out there with you guys this winter. I am pretty busy building standups which is good I will have some pics of boards soon. The SUP thing is finally starting to take off here. Now with my luck Todos will be 50ft when I get there is there some mellow points that will be fun and not life threatening?
Oh yeah- lots of fun waves down there- don't worry I'll show you around.
Sad about all the lost jobs... total B.S. from a bunch of politicians with their heads up their asses (my blog, I can say what I want).
I'm a science guy- degree in Marine Science, teach chemistry, read primary documents (never believe what you hear in the mainstream media!) and I can tell you scientists are some of the most agenda driven people around. Don't believe me? Remember when they were trying to decode the human genome... those guys were at WAR with each other.
Global warming... er, I mean climate change.... hmmmm- don't get me started!!!!
Get in your big ol' truck and get your southern ass pointed to Cabo- I'll put a bunch of cold ones in your hand... things get better from there!
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