So for those of us who also like to (occasionally) regular surf (what?) we can save the three minute explanation and just call it LDS. As in, "It was super low tide and beefy with a bunch of LDS guys out- so instead of doing stand up I grabbed my 6'1" and went LDS." Get it?
Board Porn II: Lots of LDS boards and another surf star.
Photo: Greg Noll and some cool, handmade replica boards. Sacred Craft '08. No SUP here, only LDS.
Photo: Shaper in the box, carving out an LDS board.
Photo: Cool boards (both SUP and LDS) everywhere you looked.
Photo: Some solid human beings right there...lots of LDS, but wait- isn't that my SUP board?
Stand up paddle surf lessons in sunny (might as well be an optimist) San Diego. Click here for more information and some delightful testimonials!
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