Sunday, February 15, 2009

Video: Another Angle- Helmet Cam Go Pro

If you're more Go No than Go Pro, this one won't appeal to you. I dig the thing though. Here's a new angle on it. This one's an easy one to put together- I'll post details soon. Enjoy:

Find more videos like this on Stand Up Paddle Surfing



Another great video and music. I kinda favor the paddle cam though. Keep them coming. Its the only thing getting me through this rain.


John Ashley said...

Hey Pete-

I agree- I like the paddle cam angle too- more options. I'm still experimenting though so we'll see...

And... this rain, cold, gloom and wind is killing me too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That was a great video, rain - at least you have waves we have a flat spell right now !

Stand up paddle surfing global

John Ashley said...

Cool, Matt- glad you liked it- I'm going to check out your site right now...