Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Custom Stamps 9.0: Zach's Board

Another custom Stamps hit the water today. My friend Zach ordered this one up and I can tell his mind is blown. Here's the story in his own words:

Photo: Shop foreman, design guru, warrior-poet... Cowboy.

"So, when I arrive I'm greeted by Cowboy and Tim. Really nice guy. He was working on a board. I get my first glimpse of my board and am pretty stoked."

Photo: Rhymin' and stealin'...

"Tim puts the fins in and I pack it into my bag, then strap it on the roof. I'm off! That was the longest 85 miles of my life. I popped in some 1969 Grateful Dead in order to make the ride seem shorter. 40 minute jam sessions have a way of doing that."

"I finally arrive at La Jolla Shores. I unpack the board and am super excited once I pull it out of the bag and see how light and tiny it is. The shape looks killer. I can only anticipate how this thing is going to perform. Still, I am thinking I am going to have go through a few sessions of the wobbles before I can enjoy it. I check the surf. Fairly flat, but glassy. Nice! Just what I wanted for my first day out. Just some clean, small waves."

"I hit the water. I really like how Tim puts on the track pad in 4 sections. I stand and start paddling. What? This thing is super stable. No way! Well that was easier than I thought. Here comes a wave. I try the 180 turn to get set up. Wow! That was easy. Nothing like trying that on my boat. Okay, time to paddle. Damn, this thing is a super fast paddler. In the wave. Drop my foot back to the rear track pad and begin pumping up and down the little face! Big smile on my face at this point.

"Long story short. This board had no learning curve. It paddles into waves way faster than my 10'. Not sure of the physics on that one, but I know for sure it's a faster board."

"Speed! This thing is like lighting on a wave. For the first time in a long time I am ahead of the curl! Now I've got a real reason to work on that cut-back. I was even going for some mini-floaters on this thing!"

"Thanks for hooking me up with Tim. Damn, I'm excited about this board!"

How rad is that?
Can't wait to get a look at this little nine foot rocket. Once again, I'm digging the numbers on this board. Short at 9.0' but with a 29" gut right at the sweet spot, the board is accessible. Zach was surprised at the paddle-ability that Stamps built into his board.

Photo: A bigger Viking for a bigger boy. This one comes in at 9'4" x 29.5 x 4.5", I come in at 5'9 x 235lbs. With a big single concave running into substantial double scoops out the tail the thing has got a ridiculous amount of top end squirt.

This isn't surprising to me, I felt exactly the same way when I first hopped on my Viking. In fact, I remember having a conversation with Tim about the very first version of the Viking that he built for himself.

After the board came off the mill and he'd scrubbed it out, Tim told me that he got really bummed because as he looked it over he thought to himself that he'd just wasted a pretty substantial amount of cash designing a stand up that looked way to small and squirrely to paddle.

Well, you can predict what happened when he got it onto the water. The thing was magic!

Stamps is on to something with this design. The Viking is a hot, shortboard style, stand up board. It's meant to be driven, not cruised. If you come pre-programmed with a need to pump and weave, carve and crack the lip- this is your board. It combines speed with rip-ability and stability. If you get a chance, check one out - you won't be sorry! Just ask Zach!

Check out Tim Stamps' boards at

Stand Up Paddle Surf Lessons in San Diego. If you'd like to be a part of the coolest new, sport to hit the water give me a call 619.213.6622 or email me at to set up a private lesson with me on my equipment. Here's your chance to try out some of the boards we've written about here- don't wait... summer's right around the corner! For more information and customer testimonials click here.


Anonymous said...

Going to go superficial here but I LOVE the colors of that board!

John Ashley said...

Hey Kylie- I agree that board looks good- doesn't Big Chad owe you a board by now? Let's get a pink one going.