Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bonus Day: What a beautiful day- hope you scored too!

A beautiful California day- here's a little clip I threw together. Enjoy:

Find more videos like this on Stand Up Paddle Surfing


Anonymous said...

Love the video! Is it hard to surf with your paddle held high like that?

John Ashley said...

Hi Kylie-

No, if it's really slow and mushy and you're just going straight and not trying to do anything it's pretty easy to do.

You should learn how to edit video- it's super fun!

Thanks for shooting photos on Sunday.


Michael Ashley said...

That video player is really cool, too. You can watch video's fullscreen and it has all your other video's listed, too... What's up with the white longboard? Out for a test run?

Anonymous said...

more dog video.and nice burn job on that slacker.captneg9.