The boys at Isle sent one of these my way for a test surf- for being one big Monstah (12') the thing is really surfable. Lots of tail rocker.
All the G-Mac boards will come in silver- perfect color match for my truck. Check back for more photos and a ride report.
Want to demo the Monstah? Contact me: and we'll figure something out.
Stand up paddle surf lessons in sunny San Diego- get 'em while they're hot! The water's warming up, the surf is rolling in... get yourself on a stand up board now and learn the skills you'll need to be part of the hottest water sport around. Click here for more information. To book a lesson call John at 619.213.6622 or email
1 comment:
I just got the same board, an 11'11" Da Monstah, from the guys at Isle. It's my first SUP -- I haven't even taken it out in the water yet. I'm really hoping it will be a good beginners board. I mostly surf a long board at San Onofre, but I'd like to SUP when the surf is 4' or lower. I think this board should excel at grabbing the little stuff, and be good for grabbing small ocean swells.
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