Thursday, April 14, 2011

When you least expect it....

Well the surf didn't quite build into what we thought it would. Isn't that always the case: When you expect great waves- you get mediocre surf... and when you don't expect it, when everything is a bonus, than you score. That's what's happening right now. We had two SUPER fun days at "Up the Road" and a couple fun sessions at "out in fronts"- if we had to leave right now we'd consider it a success. But, I'm still crossing my fingers for a couple more stellar mornings!

If you want to go low-budge, you can live in one of these right on the point... but be ready, the mozzies know where the easy meals are.

Every time I come down here there's some new animal hanging out at the cantina. Last time, it was a baby deer named Chico (don't know what happened to Chico) this time it's a little pack of Lab puppies.

Heres the view off the front porch. If you like it hot, humid and tropical, this place is it. Check out the little surf shower steps off the beach.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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