Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Save Trestles!

Time to get up and do something California Paddle Surfers! Ever walk the trail down into Trestles, smell the coastal sage and see the lizards go skittering down into the river bottom? Now imagine all of that turned into a concrete landscape with a giant overpass blocking out the sun above you; the sound of cars whooshing by and the smell of exhaust wafting down onto you. Here's your chance to play your small part in a cause that's a good one. The proposal is to install part of a toll road right through the San Onofre State Park demolishing San Mateo Campground and forever changing the San Mateo Creek wildlife area. Shouldn't public lands that have been designated as State Parks remain sacred? Fight to keep Trestles and San Onofre State Park intact. Now's the time to act.


There is a plan to build a pay-to-drive toll road through an Onofre State Park. This road would destroy 60% of the park including the San Mateo Campground, which is a public resource open to everyone. It would also threaten the water quality at Trestles, one of the best waves in California.

Please express your opposition to the planned toll road by writing to Coastal Commissioner and San Diego City Councilman Ben Hueso. The California Coastal Commission is having a meeting on the issue on February 6 and they need to hear from you!!!

In your letter please include the following:

1. Please tell Councilman Hueso that you are opposed to the toll road.

2. Choose two of the below points and include them in your letter:

 San Onofre State Park is an important recreational resource for camping, surfing, and being outdoors.
 In South San Diego we have a lack of parks and healthy recreational opportunities. Our closest beaches are some of the most polluted in the country (parts of Imperial Beach were closed for almost 200 days last year)- San Onofre State Park offers a healthy, affordable park and beach for families to visit.
 Our families need affordable access to parks not freeways!
 The toll road will run directly through San Onofre State Park. This 2028 acre park the 5th most visited park in the California State Parks system.
 The San Mateo Creek Watershed is one of the last large coastal open spaces in Southern California. The toll road will forever change the last coastal wilderness accessible to working class families in south San Diego.

3. Be sure to sign the letter. Write your name and address on the back of the letter.

4. Email goes to:
Here is a basic template:

Councilman Ben Hueso
City Administration Bldg.
202 "C" Street, 10th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101


Dear Councilman Hueso,

I am writing you this letter to express my opposition to the proposed toll road that may run directly through San Onofre State Park.

Place your two included points here.

I hope that as a member of the California State coastal commission and our elected city councilman you will oppose the above mentioned toll road and keep San Onofre State Park accessible to all Californians.

Sincerely Yours,

(signed name)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why a toll raod? to be honest I've never surfed outta IB, but from what I've heard this place rocks hard! and as far as I know as long as theres not an accident on the 5 north or south there is no traffic right? (idk for sure) I mean WTF?? IF THERE IS NO TRAFFIC THEN THERE IS NO NEED!....I'm sending one in...