Monday, May 26, 2008

The Loop Race: Perfect Paddling Conditions in Coronado

The weather cooperated for Coronado's Loop Race. Instead of the 15 to 20 mph south winds and rainy conditions that had been hammering San Diego all week, the paddlers were blessed with calm, glassy conditions and a bit of sunshine at the race's end.

The race was a fast one. The overall winner, Sean Richardson- a prone, Unlimited Class paddler completed the 11 mile course in 1:50:31. In the stand up division, Ernest Johnson (EJ) finished first (2:00:00), Chris Koerner (2:07:48) finished second and Jared Vargas (2:10:27).

Imperial Beach surfer, Mark Field (Kiwi), finished in fifth. Kiwi paddled an 11'6" Stu Kenson paddle surf board, finishing just behind a fourteen foot C4 Vortice. Kiwi finished first among riders on Stock (12'6" and under) boards (and also beat out a couple of fourteen footers). Rumor has it that Stu Kenson is building a couple of carbon fiber race boards. I'm hoping to see Kiwi keep competing in the 40+ Stock division and wondering what his true potential will be when he gets on a Stu K. sled.

Best part of the race was watching Dan Mann's dad paddle the 11 mile Loop on a lifeguard sprint board, no water with a banana stuck in his pocket. Did I mention he's closing in on 70? Mann Sr. came out of the water smiling and laughing- leaving all of us beach-huggers no excuse to avoid competing next year.

A huge "Thank You" to the Mann family who put on a really cool race. The chicken satay and peanut sauce was definitely good eats, the tee-shirt unusually cool and the free flip flops a bonus. There were also some killer raffle prizes including a brand new Marin Beach Cruiser and a 9'0 FireWire longboard! Great job!

See More Loop Race photos HERE.

1 comment:

srfnff said...

Very cool story. Thanks for sharing this one.