Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 1: Check out the map!

I'll try my best to post updates as we're driving down- but it might be tough finding Wi-Fi. Since I know you'll go nuts if you can't get your fix, I'll set this joint up so it automatically posts a daily map of our route. I know, it's bare bones. Believe me, once I'm down there, settled in and surfing- I'll fill in all the blanks. For now, here's a cool map our progress (Day 1 in red):

Here's our Day 1 Progress. That's a five to six hour drive from San Diego to San Quintin. You're not really in Baja until you're past San Quintin. Once you get past that town, you start to see interesting things, the desert opens up and you get the urge to roll on down the road. It's sweet.


Anonymous said...

what a great vicarious voyage...gracias, juan!

John Ashley said...

More to come... check back!